University Financing

Universities are often well versed in tax-exempt borrowing. Many universities have a number of outstanding tax-exempt bonds with a variety of interest rates and structures. Western Solutions advisors will analyze your school’s outstanding debt structure and compare it to financing options in today’s market place. We advise on new debt structure, refinance, university ratings, growing endowment funds in conjunction with borrowing, and current market opportunities.

At Western Solutions, we understand the complexity of the financing business happening at Universities. Since the tax-exempt bond/loan process is also complex and requires the participation of a number of working group members, Western Solutions relieves the stress of tax-exempt financing for University staff by managing the entire financing process including working group participants from beginning to end.

Since the tax-exempt bond/loan process is also complex and requires the participation of a number of working group members, Western Solutions relieves the stress of tax-exempt financing for University staff by managing the entire financing process including working group participants from beginning to end.

Our goal at Western Solutions is to save your University on capital. We have a network of resources which include bond counsels, borrower’s counsels, rating agencies, derivatives firms, underwriters, trustees, and issuing authorities. Our relationship with our network of resources allows us to obtain better pricing. In some cases, we are able to obtain fixed pricing instead of hourly pricing from counsels which dramatically cuts cost of issuance fees. On behalf of our client’s best interests, Western Solutions advisors create a competitive environment between banks to negotiate pricing, terms, and covenants. This competitive environment ensures that your University receives the most cost effective financing option.